Friday, October 19, 2012

Flu Shot Day

It's the time of year when my MA chases me around the office until I acquiesce and let her give me the flu shot. There is no rationale for this. I don't even mind shots but for some reason I put it off as long as I think it is safe. I feel the same way about clothes shopping, which is why I mostly do it on line. But no one ever died because they didn't go shopping for jeans.

So for anyone who has a reason for not getting the flu shot please watch the following. If you've already had yours, you might want to watch this anyway cause it's slightly funnier than placebo (and a little off-color):

And for those people who "never get sick" and therefore don't get the flu shot, please see this by Zubin Damania.

Thanks. (OK, now where did my MA go...)

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